Podcast “2040 j’y vais!” – Changing the narrative to change the world: interview with Cyril Dion.

Human beings are woven together by multiple stories, both conscious and unconscious. So what stories can we tell to inspire us to move towards a sustainable future?

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“The secret of change is to focus your energy on building the new, not fighting the old. Spend less time harping on disasters and more time describing desirable futures”, Cyril Dion.

Faced with the questioning of the climate commitments of major corporations, the rise of hatred of others and the undermining of democracy and the rule of law in the United States, we can feel a kind of stupefaction.

So…. What if, in order to regain our power to act, we started by telling other stories? What if we started telling viral stories about how the ecological and social transition can be innovative, joyful and stimulating?

To talk about it, I met Cyril Dion for a special program of the podcast “2040 j’y vais!”. A rich and stimulating meeting, in which we talk:

  • of what stories are
  • the importance of telling stories that inspire people to move towards a sustainable future
  • of what we could put in a library of new stories
  • the communication channels we need to develop to make these new narratives heard

And as always, we end with a trip to the year 2040: you’ll discover Paris, now a pioneer in sustainability, as seen by Cyril Dion.

Interview: Chantal Peyer
Poetry reading: Michel Sauser
Production: Aline Blanchard

The “2040, j’y vais!” podcast is made possible thanks to the support of the Giovannini Foundation, the canton of Vaud, the city of Fribourg, the city of Meyrin, HEKS Transform’Action Lab, One Planet Lab and Services Industriels de Genève. We would also like to thank our distribution partners: the Impact Hub Lausanne-Geneva; the Swiss Business Federation, sanu in Bienne and l’Archipel in Sion.

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Podcast “2040 j’y vais!” #12 – Food: solidarity on our plates.

Why not drop by rue St-Martin 12 in Lausanne to share a meal? In this podcast, I invite you to meet Véronique Eichenberger, director of the Fondation Mère Sofia. We also explore the issue of the right to food, with Léa Winter, co-president of the FIAN-Suisse association.