Le hub des possibles

connecting center for shaping the future

What is the hub?

Reconnect with living, dare to imagine, create a desirable future.

Faced with the challenges of climate change, growing crises, inequality and poverty, it’s becoming difficult to imagine how we will continue into the future. At the Hub of possibilities, we experience the beauty of living things and rediscover the desire to care for them; we contemplate the paths to a zero-carbon Switzerland, where life is good and everyone has their place; we picture the world we’d like to live in, and consider what we can do to achieve it.

At the Hub of Possibilities, we invite you to..:

Nature itself?

Three days to breathe and resonate with nature around us and within us, to let what's within us emerge and nourish our living, joyful, creative humanity!

Walk & Reconnect! June

Have you noticed that we're more and more connected, and less and less in real life? Come and experience something simple, yet essential to the beauty of our humanity!

Die Arbeit, die wieder verbindet

Im Erntemonat September laden wir dich dazu ein, eine neue und begeisternde Beziehung zur Welt zu erkunden. "Nichts und Niemand kann uns je vom Netzwerk des Lebens trennen "Joana Macy, Work that reconnects.

What does the hub do?

Understand the issues, share emotions, explore solutions.

At Hub des possibles we offer inner transformation workshops, labs to develop inspiring visions of futures, ecosystem facilitation, meetings, conferences and a podcast.

What is the hub?

Le Hub des possibles is a non-profit association.

Its structure is agile and it operates according to the principles of sociocratic shared governance.
The Hub des possibles operates with a team in charge of developing and running the Hub’s projects, a committee in charge of strategic follow-up, and a circle of experts and ambassadors who support us in their specific fields of expertise.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to join us!

Chantal Peyer


Chantal is a virtuoso speaker and a good listener. Her experience as a policy advisor to non-governmental organizations gives her a deep and incisive insight into the complexity of societal and political systems. She trained at the Institute of Desirable Futures and, with the Hub of Possibilities, intends to nurture in individuals and groups the strength to project themselves towards desirable futures. In particular, she brings to bear her coaching skills to open people’s consciences, sublimate talents and bring out the possible contributions of each and every one of us to a world based on justice and human cooperation.

#policy_consultant #sustainability #coach #talents #imaginary

Annick Wagner


Annick perfectly combines the analysis of an engineer, the commitment of a manager and the inspiration of a coach. She brings to the Hub her talents and experience of over 20 years as a facilitator, coach and trainer of leaders. She co-directs a CAS in change management and practices storytelling theater. His dream is to develop a dialogue with trees. Annick likes to mix tools and let herself be inspired by what’s happening in the moment. She trusts the process!

#facilitation #durabilité #coach #intelligence_collective #transition_intérieure

Hub partners