Podcast “2040 j’y vais!” #6 – Housing: housing without CO2 emissions

An episode of "2040 j'y vais!" with Ivan Enderlin, who has built, with his wife Hend, a self-sufficient house in Murist, and David Moreau, from the negawatt association, who proposes solutions to reduce our energy consumption.

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In Switzerland today, housing is responsible for 25% of CO2 emissions.

This figure is not surprising when you consider that 3/4 of our country’s buildings are still heated by fossil fuels. Not to mention those with poor insulation. Not to mention our habits, which increase our heating consumption and electricity bills.

In this podcast we explore how to live greener. Is it possible to live without emitting CO2? We’ll be asking ourselves how we can transform our choices and habits to reconcile habitat, ecology and a pleasant life.

To investigate, I went to meet two pioneers:

  • Ivan Enderlin and his wife Hend have built a self-contained house in Murist. I wanted to know how they manage to produce all the energy and water they need from renewable sources, without relying on public networks.
  • David Moreau, from the négawatt association, works on housing and sobriety. I set out to understand how tenants can save energy and support a transition by influencing real estate boards.

And as always, we’ll end with a trip to the year 2040.

Welcome to a new episode of “2040 I’m going!

Interview: Chantal Peyer
Director: Aline Blanchard

Some photos of the living house in Murist

– Ivan and Hend’s blog about their living house in Murist:
Terre et nature newspaper reports on ecological homes
La maison nature (portal for ecological homes in French-speaking Switzerland)
Negawatt scenarios for a new Swiss energy policy
– energy sobriety: from theory to practice, a conference at the University of Lausanne

The podcast “2040, j’y vais!” is made possible thanks to the support of the Giovannini Foundation, the canton of Vaud, the city of Fribourg, the city of Meyrin, EPER, One Planet Lab and Services Industriels de Genève.

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